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  • You are my wave II
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 2 S., 14,8x10,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Papierkarte auf einer Seite glänzend cellophaniert
  • Einladung zur Ausstellung "You are my Wave II", vom 12.09-09.10.2020 im Apartment der Kunst, Schönfeldstraße 19.
    Mit der Ausstellung "You are in my Wave ll" kuratiert von der dänischen Kuratorin Lene Harbo Pedersen beschließen wir die Ausstellungssaison 2020 im Apartment der Kunst. Anknüpfend an die Ausstellung "You are in my Wave I", die Lene Harbo Pedersen gemeinsam mit Jörg Koopman 2017 für die Kunsthalle Lothringer 13 konzipierte, wird das Konzept der Welle in der unbewußten Wahrnehmung wieder aufgenommen.
    Wahrend sich die erste Ausstellung vorwiegen auf Sound (Schallwelle) als Medium konzentrierte, steht bei You are in my Wave ll die Photographie (Lichtwelle) im Focus. In einer Zeit, in der das Photo vorwiegend für Präzision und/oder für Kontrolle Synonym ist, hat Pedersen für diese Ausstellung 6 Künstler ausgewählt, die dem Unbekannten, Unkontrollierbaren und auch dem Unbewußten in ihrer photografischen Arbeit Raum geben. Rückblickend auf die Anfänge der Photographie war das Ungewisse und nicht Vorhersagbare ein immanenter Teil des Prozesses, der erst mit der Entwicklung des Photos abgeschlossen war.
    Die Welle als Übermittler von Information beinhaltet immer das Prinzip von Sender und Empfänger. In You are in my Wave ll begegnet man 6 Positionen der analogen Photokunst, die sich schon im Prozess der Entstehung auf einem Feld des Unkontrollierbaren bewegen, in dem ein „Fehler“ keine negative Konnotation mehr haben kann, sondern nach der Übermittlung an den Empfänger mit Hilfe des Lichts Räume eröffnet werden, die sich dem Bewußten und der Kontrolle entziehen. Pedersen bezieht sich hier in der Konzeption der Ausstellung auf die Phänomenologie Husserls, in der anstelle rationaler Erkenntnis, der Erkenntnisgewinn in der geistigen und intuitiven Anschauung des Wesens der Gegenstände und Sachverhalte liegt.
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Delfrati Federico: Beresheet - elektronische Geschichte in fünf Akten - Libretto, 2020

  • Beresheet - elektronische Geschichte in fünf Akten - Libretto
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Natürlich taucht das Bärtierchen auch im musikalischen Pendant zur Installation wieder auf. Am 27.06.2020, zeitgleich zur Ausstellungseröffnung (im Apartment der Kunst, München), veröffentlicht Delfrati sein Debütalbum Beresheet, „eine elektronische Geschichte in fünf Akten“. Jedem dieser fünf Kapitel liegt eine Emotion zugrunde (Verzweiflung, Wut, Resignation, Ehrgeiz, Akzeptanz), die den Wahlmünchner überkommt, wenn er an ungreifbare Dinge wie den Klimawandel, Massensterben oder das Internet denkt, also Konzepte, die Zeit, Raum und das Vorstellungsvermögen des Menschen weit übersteigen. „Hyperobjekte“ nennt der US-amerikanische Philosoph Timothy Morton solche Konzepte und Delfratis Theorie zufolge könnten auch Bärtierchen als solche „Hyperobjekte“ gelten. So widmet er Morton den Album-Opener.
    ... The central piece of the artwork consists of a large bean bag shaped as such an animal: this practicable sofa functions as a main hub for the audience to lay down and take part in the hearing of a music album. Its combination of spoken narration, techno and synth-pop ballads tells a story that stretches through the ages from the big bang towards an imagined, absurd and distant future. ...
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van der Hoogen Lotte: Fe-Mini-Ism - Community Art Projects, 2021

  • Fe-Mini-Ism - Community Art Projects
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • [8] S., 15x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Miniszine, Risografie
  • Zine zu den Zines Workshops and Ausstellungen. Ausgelegen bei A ROOM FOR ONE'S OWN, 22.04.-19.05.2023, im apartment der kunst
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Malone Anthony (Marafioti Martin): For Everard Vol. 1-11, 2013 ab


Malone Anthony (Marafioti Martin): For Everard Vol. 1-11, 2013 ab

  • For Everard Vol. 1-11
Verlag Jahr

  • [12-16] S., 20,6x13,5 cm, Auflage: 100, signiert, 12 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    11 Hefte, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserkopien, Drahtheftung, Aufkleber
  • About the series:
    The For Everard zine series chronicles the 1977 fire at New York's Everard Baths, combining archival research with imagined narratives to re-focus attention to obscured histories. The series explores the media coverage of the subsequent investigation of the fire, and the lives of the nine men who perished. The zines bring together photographic images with primary news sources, as well as personal anecdotes collected from eyewitness testimonials.
    About the individual zines:
    For Everard, Vol. 1, 2013, ed. 100 (nr. 65)
    This zine chronicles the May 25, 1977 fire at New York's Everard Baths and the media coverage of the subsequent investigation.
    For Everard, Vol. 2 (Bloodbrothers), 2013, ed. 100 (Nr. 81)
    In the second volume of his series chronicling the 1977 fire at New York’s Everard Baths, Anthony Malone focuses on Bellevue Hospital’s blood drive for the victims of the great bathhouse tragedy. Malone draws parallels between the 1977 restrictions placed on gay men for donating blood to their “brothers” and current FDA guidelines that indefinitely defer donations from men who have had sex with men since 1977. This black and white photocopied zine (ed 100) juxtaposes archival images, news clippings, and just a touch of fantasy.
    For Everard, Vol. 3 (Remembering Jimmy), 2015, ed. 100 (Nr. 94)
    Volume 3 of the series, For Everard is dedicated to the memory of Jimmy Stuard, who died in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Stuard was a rising star in the disco music scene. He spun records first at Boston’s 1270 Club, and later at New York’s 12 West, where he inspired an entire generation of musical artists and DJs. In this particular volume, Anthony Malone assembles images and archival texts that serve as a tribute to the great Jimmy Stuard.
    For Everard, Vol. 4 (A Lovely Show), 2016, ed. 100 (Nr. 62)
    For Everard, Vol. 4 (A Lovely Show) is a tribute to Kenneth Hill, one of the nine men who died in the devastating fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Kenn played a vital role in the East Village/Lower East side countercultural movement in the late ‘60s and 1970s. He was a hippie, a bar tender at Phebe’s (a watering hole and salon for the experimental theater community in the 1970s), one of the founders of the Old Reliable Theatre Tavern, House Manager at La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, and a photographer. This zine celebrates Kenneth Hill by collaging archival documents with personal artifacts and pictures of Kenn from meaningful moments in his life.
    For Everard, Vol. 5 (A Dearly Loved Man), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 95)
    For Everard, Vol. 5 (A Dearly Loved Man) assembles images and stories from the life of Ira Landau, a gifted and dedicated teacher who died in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Ira left behind a devoted family (his mother, brother, niece, and lover) and is still greatly missed by his loved ones. This zine is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of a remarkable man who served in the Peace Corps and committed himself to educating young minds both abroad (in the Middle East) and at home in the US. It contains family photos and personal images generously contributed by Ira’s niece.
    For Everard, Vol. 6 (Yosef’s Song), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 94)
    Volume 6 of the series For Everard celebrates the life of a remarkable musical prodigy, Yosef Synovec. This zine tells the story of a young man with great aspirations who emigrated to the United States from Czechoslovakia to study classical violin. In 1976, Holly Woodlawn overheard Synovec vocalizing as he was painting the bathroom of his East Village apartment, and determined on the spot that she had discovered an emerging star. As a singer, Synovec used his extreme vocal range to imitate the voice and persona of Peruvian diva Yma Sumac. He performed Sumac’s exotic musical numbers at several New York City cabarets and show venues. Sadly, on May 25, 1977, Yosef perished in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths.
    For Everard, Vol. 7 (Tony from the Bronx), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 86)
    This zine brings together images and stories from the life of Tony Calarco, one of the nine men who died in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Tony was only 26 when he died. He lived with his parents and siblings in a modest house in the Bronx. He had recently graduated from college and was working as a social worker in New York city at the time of his death. Tony had aspirations to become a lawyer and was scheduled to begin law school in September of 1977. This zine celebrates Tony Calarco’s memory through photos of Tony, artifacts from his high school and college years, and recent photographs of his home and final resting place.
    For Everard, Vol. 8 (Looking for Amado), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr.84)
    Amado Alamo, a young man only 17 years old, lost his life in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. In Volume 8 of For Everard, Anthony Malone documents his search for the identity of the youngest victim of the Everard fire. The zine is an abstracted portrait of Alamo that assembles the few extant fragments of his story culled from newspaper articles and documentary sources glued together with the artist’s imagination.
    For Everard, Vol. 9 (Last Call), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr.72)
    Life was difficult for Hillman Wesley Adams. He was born in Jacksonville FL in 1938. His mother died just a few months after his birth, and by the age of nine, he found himself in an orphanage with his older brother. Fast forward 30 years: Hillman moved to NYC, struggled to make ends meet while working on and off as a bartender, and he met his lover, Ralph, with whom he shared a modest apartment in New Jersey. On May 25, 1977, Hillman died in the fire at the Everard Baths. Vol. 9 of For Everard is an assemblage of newspaper articles and vintage photos chronicling the life and untimely death of Hillman Wesley Adams.
    For Everard, Vol. 10 (In Memoriam: Patrick Nott), 2018, ed. 100 (Nr. 64)
    Volume 10 of For Everard memorializes the life of Patrick Nott, one of the nine men who died in the fire at the Everard Baths. Nott, a native of Wales with a passion for theater, literature, and music, pursued a successful career in hairdressing. He fell in love with his pen pal (a young woman from Brooklyn) and after their marriage, they moved to New York City, where Nott worked at the Vidal Sassoon Salon. This zine weaves together elements from his story (shared with the artist by Patrick Nott’s wife), with photographs, newspaper clippings, and artifacts. It acts as a humble tribute, an “In Memoriam” for this greatly loved man.
    For Everard, Vol. 11 (Thunderbird), 2019, ed. 100 (Nr. 79)
    Brian Duffy was an aspiring artist. In 1966 he was accepted to Pratt Institute of Art and although he declined admission to the school, he seized the opportunity to move to NYC and start a new life for himself. In the city, he worked hard at various retail jobs and tried to break into the theater, but everything changed when he met the love of his life, Bradley. The couple moved to a “quieter life” in Boston. They worked in restaurants in the Back Bay area and created a community for themselves amongst their chosen family of friends. Volume 11 of For Everard celebrates the brief life of Brian Duffy, a young man who died in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. This zine compiles photographs and stories shared with Malone by Brian’s sister and dear friend.
    The pseudonym "Anthony Malone" comes from a novel by Andrew Holleran (Dancer from the Dance). In this novel, Malone is the protagonist and at the end he disappears. Some of his friends believe that he may have committed suicide, others feel that he may have run away from New York, while some say that they saw him at the Everard Baths on the night of the fire. I imagine that Malone survived the fire and he is now making books and zines telling the story of the tragedy.
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  • NUMeroun
Ort Land

  • 26x17,9 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
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  • La Biennale di Venezia 2003 - Brain Academy Apartment
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • [4] S., 10,5x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Flyer, einmal gefaltet
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Neumann Karsten: Mandalas - aktuelle Gemälde aus Bethang, 2010

  • Mandalas - aktuelle Gemälde aus Bethang
Ort Land

  • 32 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-942953030
  • "Mandalas" erscheint zur Ausstellung "apartment" in der wohnanlage bienweg 9, Nürnberg, im Apri 2010. Mit Text von Christian Demand: Endgültige Beantwortung der Frage: „Könnten Sie sich vorstellen, einen Katalogtext für mich zu schreiben?", S. 4-7. Erstveröffentlichung dieses Textes in: monopol. Nr 8, August 2009, Lebenslauf von Karsten Neumann.S. 26-29. Titel und Einleitung auf französich, russisch, englisch. ISBN-Nr. im Heft selbst nicht auffindbar, nur auf der Webseite
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Yersel Secil, Hrsg.: annex - Special Issue for the 50th Venice Biennale - The Structures of Survival, 2003

  • annex - Special Issue for the 50th Venice Biennale - The Structures of Survival
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • [8] S., 40x28 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
  • Ausgelegt im türkischen Pavillon auf der Biennale Venedig.
    Oda Projesi is an artist collective based in Istanbul; composed of Özge Açıkkol, Güneş Savaş and Seçil Yersel who turned their collaboration into a project in 2000. From January 2000, their space in Galata functioned as a non-profit independent space, hosting projects, gatherings and acts up until march 16th2005, when Oda Projesi was evicted from the apartment due to the process of gentrification. Since then Oda Projesi has a mobile status and not any more space based; continues to raise questions on space and place creating relationship models by using different mediums like radio stations, books, postcards, newspapers or giving form to different meeting points; depending on and respecting to the creativity of Istanbul and its citizens.
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Banholzer Hanna, Hrsg.: offspace SENTIMENTAL, 2021

  • offspace SENTIMENTAL
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Flyer, zweifach gefaltet
  • Teilnehmende Offspaces und Schaufenstergalerien: 18,2, apartment der kunst, EYES ONLY, fructa, Galerie FOE, GiG, KloHäuschen, Nicht Verfügbar, NODEPRESSIONROOM, Pinokiothek der Moderne, rosastern, sandkasten, super+CENTERCOURT, VIER8L und WELTRAUM
    Als „Offspace“ werden Räume der Kunst bezeichnet in denen selbstorganisiert oft die ersten Präsentationen junger Künstler*innen stattfinden. Sie sind Hotspots für noch nicht Etabliertes, an denen sich Kommendes sehen lässt, Künster*innen und Kurator*innen sich ausprobieren und erste Erfahrungen sammeln. Insgesamt sind 15 Münchner Offspaces exemplarisch ausgewählt und erhalten hier eine Bühne, die die Diversität dieser Räume und ihrer unterschiedlichen Konzepte vermittelt. Eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen begleitet das Projekt. Zudem erscheint die Hotspots of Art-Map in aktualisierter Auflage, und im Rahmen der Kooperation MaximiliansForum + Ö bietet Die Färberei/Köşk verschiedene Werkstätten „how to create an artist-run space“ für jungen Künstler*innen und solche, die es werden wollen, an.
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steinbrecher-yes yes no no-2017-broschur

Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • [16] S., 19x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Broschur, das letzte Blatt ist auf 19 x 4 cm beschnitten
  • His mustache looked like it would tickle. That’s probably the only reason why I didn’t want to kiss him.
    He was a weirdo, but not weird enough, if you know what I mean. He certainly had a flair for details. It wasn’t that. I mean, it’s not like he was wearing a mullet, no. Nor like the kind of guy to gift me a Chinatown Gucci bag. He hated scented soaps and he’d drag me out of any decent party if he found scenty sticks near the toilet. That kind of thing drove him nuts. It’s not like he had anything against grapefruit.
    Early on in our friendship, he gave me a box of Gioconda pencils from Koh-I-Noor. He knew how to get me hooked. But that damn mustache. It was so thick, so neatly trimmed. He paid too much attention to the kind of things I didn’t want to pay attention to. The cappuccino foam in it, however, was a kind of turn-on.
    This is no doubt why you are holding this book in your hands. His mustache, right? Admit it. It’s the bowl of bonbons by the register. But then you go undercover, under the sheets to find a lot of nudity, thwarted porn. Ja, ja, ja: bodies. Corporeality. Corporation, cooperation. Protest. Violence. Religion. Collage. A torn sheet at the back. A misbound book? A defect or just vulnerable?
    Selbsthilfe ist auch keine Lösung (even self-help is not a solution) and Protestvorbild Frankreich (protest “role model” in France?) is the only text you can make out other than mine. You’re meant to struggle to read it, or maybe Erik (who has no mustache) was being intentionally casual about the way he cut out these pictures. It’s an awareness of being sloppy that is so aware, it’s no longer sloppy. A man standing with his fist held high. He’s standing in the window frame of an apartment at least one story up from the ground. He is forty and mad and he enjoys his Bud. His form of protest is a form of solidarity from the sofa. A window protest: comfy. So fucking clever. Then there’s the picture abutting it of a woman holding out her bra. We are meant to take it. She’s offering it to us. Go ahead. She wants you to.
    And then there’s the spooning bodies with their tube socks in a wad next to… a bed. A solar bed. You got it? This book is brown sugar. Stinky Swiss cheese. Bad, bad, good, good.
    April von Stauffenberg
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Ka Nele: Hello P. R. my old friend, 2023

  • Hello P. R. my old friend
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 3,8x8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Laserkopie auf transparente Folie
  • QR-Code zur Wandinstallation mit alten Perry Rhodan Heften in der Galerie Apartment der Kunst in München, in der Ausstellung A Room for One´s Own kuratiert von Hanna Banholzer 22.04.-17.05.2023
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Adldinger Vinzenz, Hrsg.: diaspora Iran: (Be)longing, 2023

  • diaspora Iran: (Be)longing
Ort Land

  • 32 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 200, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-946803-28-7
    Drahtheftung, Risodruck
  • Erschienen zur Ausstellung 24.06.-23.07.2023 im Apartment der Kunst München, kuratiert von Vinzenz Adldinger und Keivan Moussavi Aghdam.
    Die Ausstellung zeigt Werke von Künstler*innen, die ihre Kunst im Exil geschaffen haben. Unter dem Titel Diaspora Iran: (Be)longing laden wir zum Nachdenken über die Distanz und Verbindung zwischen diesen Kunstwerken und dem Begriff der Zugehörigkeit ein. Auf der einen Seite ist ein Gefühl des Abstands spürbar, doch paradoxerweise wird das eigene Identitätsgefühl auch durch das definiert, wovon man sich entfernt.
    Anliegen dieser Ausstellung ist es, eine Plattform für die Auseinandersetzung mit der Kunst und Kultur einer vielfältigen Gruppe von Münchner Mitbürger*innen zu schaffen. Darüber hinaus sollen Diskussionen unter den in München lebenden Iraner*innen gefördert werden, indem die Ausstellung ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Gedanken auf künstlerisch reflektierte Weise auszudrücken und eine tiefere Wertschätzung für die Bandbreite der iranischen Kunstproduktion in der Diaspora zu entwickeln.
    Teilnehmende Künstler*innen: Parastou Forouhar, Kaveh Kavoosi, Neda Razavipour, Golnar Tabibzadeh


Verlag Jahr

  • [70] S., 28x21,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780996282215
  • CURRENT RESIDENT, a collaborative book by Kenny Komer and Marysia Gacek, comprises solely of computer generated imagery inspired by interior design catalogues and magazines. Based on interiors seen in Architectural Digest and Ikea catalogues, the book depicts a fictional, contemporary residence mimicking current tendencies to replace photography with 3D modeling computer software producing photo realistic images. Views of the apartment are generated via computer algorithms with the same techniques used in the advertising industry. A reader is invited to take a tour of the space while a number of mysterious activities unravel before her/his eyes.
    Kenny Komer (b.1984) is an interdisciplinary multimedia artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. He received a BFA from the School of Art, Cooper Union, New York, NY in 2006. He has exhibited at galleries in New York (Gavin Brown's enterprise, Rush Arts Gallery, Carriage House Center and White Box Gallery) and Tokyo, Japan (Motus Fort). Komer is a founding member of the guerrilla street-art collective, Concerned New Yorkers, whose work has been featured in the New York Times, New York Magazine, the Brooklyn Rail, the Village Voice, CNN, and the Daily Telegraph.
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